Hi this is my blog where I write the vocabularies of Biology. every vocabulary of this year you will see it here. If you liked, feel free to join.

lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

Stabalizing Selection

Mode of natural selection by which intermediate phenotypes in the range of variation are favored and extremes at both ends are eliminated.

Sexual Selection

A microevolutionary process; a type of selection that favors a trait giving an individual a competitive edge in attracting or keeping a mate (favors reproductive success).


All individuals of the same species that are occupying a specified area.


The persistence of two or more qualitatively different forms of a trait (morphs) in a population.

Natural Selection

Microevolutionary process; the outcome of differences in survival and reproduction among individuals that differ in details of heritable traits.

Lethal Mutation

Mutation with drastic effects on phenotype; usually causes death.


Nonrandom mating among close relatives that share many identical alleles.

Genetic Equilibrium

In theory, a state in which a population is not evolving. Compare Hardy-Weinberg rule.

Genetic Drift

Change in allele frequencies over the generations due to chance alone. Its effect is most pronounced in very small populations.

Gene Pool

All genotypes in a population.

Gene Flow

Microevolutionary process; alleles enter and leave a population as an outcome of immigration and emigration, respectively.